Capturing the culture that makes Detroit what it is.

Arthur League of the Los Angeles Black Panther Party

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Arthur League was born in Tennessee. Growing as a child in the American South through the 50’s and 60’s being Black instilled discipline and willingness in Arthur. From TN his journey landed him in Los Angeles where he was drawn to the Black Panther Party. Protecting the neighborhood against destructive elements of dope pushers and Police brutality was the work of the Black Panther Party Arthur took up. A month after joining the Party he faced the charges and conviction of firing and fighting officers. Upon his release from incarceration, Arthur has stayed true to revolutionary works. His Detroit connection and bond with Yusef Shakur was sparked more than 10 years ago at the United States Social Forum. Arthur League joins Detroit is Different to talk about Community and more in this candid interview.

Colleen Ivana Jones Lifted Literacy and Arts Organization

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Colleen Ivana Jones, also known as Vonnie Pill, is a less seasoned Detroiter that is making a big impact on the city’s art scene. She is the art director for the Juneteenth Jubilee Detroit Committee, a proprietor of Lifted Literacy and Arts organization as well as Luxana Body & Locs. She is very adamant about including and uplifting local artists by creating events that will showcase the talent Detroit has to offer. Within this interview, she highlights her artistic influences, her talented family, the power of words, and her journey as a “functional artist.”

Why Vote Yes on Proposal P Detroit

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Richard Mack is a lifelong Detroit that represents the people in what he does. Attorney Mack works on behalf of workers and labor rights against the greed and exploitive nature of business. Attorney Mack is also one of the elected Detroit City Charter Commissioners that has worked tirelessly with his colleagues to ensure Detroit has an equitable and progressive charter. He joined Detroit is Different to speak about the NEED to VOTE YES on Proposal P and much more. Mack unpacks the value of Proposal P and the process of getting it made. He also shares why the campaign against Proposal P is being led by corporate interest and not the people of Detroit.

Vaughn Arrington on Motivating past Incarceration

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Vaughn Arrington is memorable. The laugh, smile, inspirational perspective, and stories stand out. Vaughn opens up about his childhood and living in the 1980’s Detroit as both his parents dove into the street economy. After serving a 10-year sentence starting at the age of 16 Vaughn returned to Detroit inspired. Today Vaughn’s work with Detroit Public Schools, the President Biden campaign, and many more organizations and groups touches tens of thousands. Also, learn about the Human Flyer business and how the idea collaboratively from Khary Frazier and Vaughn Arrington has birthed a very successful business and brand.

Beverly Kindle Walker Candidate for Detroit City Clerk

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Beverly Kindle Walker Candidate for Detroit City Clerk. Riverwise Magazine & Detroit is Different 2021 Candidate Interview Series for Mayor of Detroit. This is a special election feature for the August 2021 Primary election for the City of Detroit. These interviews feature one-on-one question-and-answer content about Detroit public safety, water rights, property taxes, and visions for Detroit’s future. Please share and enjoy the content of the people seeking office in Detroit.

Kinda Anderson Write-In Candidate for Detroit City Clerk

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Kinda Anderson Write-In Candidate for Detroit City Clerk. Riverwise Magazine & Detroit is Different 2021 Candidate Interview Series for Mayor of Detroit. This is a special election feature for the August 2021 Primary election for the City of Detroit. These interviews feature one-on-one question-and-answer content about Detroit public safety, water rights, property taxes, and visions for Detroit’s future. Please share and enjoy the content of the people seeking office in Detroit.

Linda Bernard Candidate for Detroit Board of Police Commissioners for District 2

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Linda Bernard Candidate for Detroit Board of Police Commissioners for District 2. Riverwise Magazine & Detroit is Different 2021 Candidate Interview Series for Mayor of Detroit. This is a special election feature for the August 2021 Primary election for the City of Detroit. These interviews feature one-on-one question-and-answer content about Detroit public safety, water rights, property taxes, and visions for Detroit’s future. Please share and enjoy the content of the people seeking office in Detroit.

Scott Boman Candidate for Detroit Board of Police Commissioners for District 4

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Scott Boman Candidate for Detroit Board of Police Commissioners for District 4. Riverwise Magazine & Detroit is Different 2021 Candidate Interview Series for Mayor of Detroit. This is a special election feature for the August 2021 Primary election for the City of Detroit. These interviews feature one-on-one question-and-answer content about Detroit public safety, water rights, property taxes, and visions for Detroit’s future. Please share and enjoy the content of the people seeking office in Detroit.

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