In the Fall of 2022, The Detroit Digital Justice Coalition green-lighted Tawana Honeycomb Petty bringing together an eclectic mix of creative working in technology, media, and music to deliver a DiscoTech. DiscoTechs, short for Discovering Technology, has the potential to provide a positive and hopeful experience for youth and seniors, creating a platform where we can teach and learn with each other in ways that allow us to investigate ourselves and our communities. This creates pathways toward solving problems collectively rather than waiting for others to solve them. The Disco Tech allowed families to engage with electronics, the internet, the community, media, and public policy inside their community. At Alkebu-Lan Village on Detroit’s Eastside, attendants had the bonus of delicious vegan pizza from its Food Detroit and roller skating to enjoy their time. Detroit is Different was there to gather perspective from a series of attendants creatively offering this dynamic event.