Crystal L. Gunn is a Financial Strategist and Women’s Empowerment Coach who has built a career dedicated to empowering others with the knowledge she has gained from her own experiences. Raised in a home where reading and writing were emphasized, she now uses these talents to inspire, collaborate, and uplift others. From her early business education at Cass Tech and Michigan State University to becoming the youngest vice president of a Credit Union in Michigan, Crystal has successfully navigated the corporate world. Her journey through business has seen her develop successful ventures while also understanding the consequences of unmet expectations. This episode of Detroit is Different highlights the valuable knowledge, wisdom, and lessons that Crystal has accumulated and now shares through her work.
Corporate & Entrepreneurial Success provided Confidence for Crystal Gunn and Faith gave Wisdom to navigate through when the Plans Changed
What began as a journey engaging hip-hop audiences, has grown into a career as a marketing consultant. As business people have seen my work, I was propositioned many times to provide graphic design, photography, videography, event planning, website development, and social media campaigning. These initial business contracts inspired me to build Creative Differences Marketing. I’ve balanced my entrepreneurial experience with formal education from Walsh College of Business and Accountancy. My degree in Marketing serves me well in understanding many of the formal, universal, and theoretical marketing approaches used in corporate environments.Formulating this business model has been anchored by the success of my BLOG ‘Detroit is Different.’ I create all content for Detroit is Different. This serves as a prototype of the ways I can design events, websites, graphics, music, podcasts, social media campaigns, and e-mail campaigns. ‘Detroit is Different’ focuses on the people and places of Detroit that add to the culture. Through these people and places, themes are driven. These themes will partner with, sponsor, and advertise for businesses and organizations using this innovative multilevel marketing approach.
- Acting Out for Justice: Helen Moore on Activism, Coleman Young, and Fighting for Our Schools
- From Spoken Word to Soul Work: Ber-Henda Williams on Creativity and Healing in Detroit
- Rebuilding Black Political Power Empowering Change Through Leadership & Legacy with Brandon Jessup
- Kid that loved a Detroit Youth Summer Job gives bigger opportunities for youth, meet Maria Franklin