Capturing the culture that makes Detroit what it is.

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Introduction - page 29

Why Vote Yes on Proposal P Detroit

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Richard Mack is a lifelong Detroit that represents the people in what he does. Attorney Mack works on behalf of workers and labor rights against the greed and exploitive nature of business. Attorney Mack is also one of the elected Detroit City Charter Commissioners that has worked tirelessly with his colleagues to ensure Detroit has an equitable and progressive charter. He joined Detroit is Different to speak about the NEED to VOTE YES on Proposal P and much more. Mack unpacks the value of Proposal P and the process of getting it made. He also shares why the campaign against Proposal P is being led by corporate interest and not the people of Detroit.

Vaughn Arrington on Motivating past Incarceration

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Vaughn Arrington is memorable. The laugh, smile, inspirational perspective, and stories stand out. Vaughn opens up about his childhood and living in the 1980’s Detroit as both his parents dove into the street economy. After serving a 10-year sentence starting at the age of 16 Vaughn returned to Detroit inspired. Today Vaughn’s work with Detroit Public Schools, the President Biden campaign, and many more organizations and groups touches tens of thousands. Also, learn about the Human Flyer business and how the idea collaboratively from Khary Frazier and Vaughn Arrington has birthed a very successful business and brand.

Cliff Green Celebrates 100 Years of Hot Sam’s Clothing

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Cliff Green is an example of professional cool. Green’s style and perspective have been a guide for all men in Detroit looking for fashion ideas since the 1980s. Cliff Green is an owner of Hot Sam’sClothing celebrating 100 years of business. In this interview, Green opens upabout the deal to buy Hot Sam’s in 1994. Cliff shares how his family has played arole in the business and the success of business must be anchored with successin family. Cliff celebrates 100 years of Hot Sams Clothing.

Tony Stovall Celebrates 100 Years of Hot Sam’s Clothing

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Tony Stovall’s presence is felt when you are in a room with him. The classic laugh, inspirational knowledge, and uncompromising support of Black business will make an impact on you. Tony is one of the owners of Hot Sam’s Clothing which has been a staple in Detroit for 100 years. In this Detroit is Different feature we discuss the business, family, faith, and how the style changed over the years. Tony celebrates before the 100-year celebration of Hot Sam’s Clothing.

Photography, Hip-hop, NYC & Social Justice all are Piper Carter

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Piper Carter joins Detroit is Different to talk about her hiatus from podcasting on the Piper Carter show since her Mother’s passing. In this interview, we delve deeper into her love for hip-hop and photography. Learn about Piper’s journey in NYC and how she navigated in NYC from Howard University. Listen to more about Nataki Taliba, Howard, Social Justice, and the need for safe spaces for Women in Hip-hop built We Found Hip-hop. The beauty and love of her Mother shine in a musical tribute at the end as well.

Lazar Favors on Black-owned Liquor Brands

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Lazar Favors originally wanted to accent his wife’s (Marshalle) Trinity Film Festival with Uncle Nearest whiskey as a great touch. The idea led to his position as the official Michigan representative for the brand. The Uncle Nearest story of the Black man who taught Jack Daniels distilling is one of the many Black-owned liquor stories. Lazar today represents over one dozen different liquors, beers, wines, and mixers that all are Black-owned. “If we are going to drink in a Black city we should be drinking our spirits,” L Favors. In this Detroit is Different interview we explore the industry of liquor, nightlife, promotions, and why spirits are important.

P-Dot and Chise on Hip-hop and Coney Island

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P Dot and Chise are two talented hip-hop artists in their own right and now collaboratively offering music. They join Detroit is Different with B Scarber and talk about their vision for the Coney Island mixtape and their Detroit stories. Listen to their journey in hip-hop and how today the work ethic of then pays off now. Also, get a peek into the ideas coming from this unique man-woman duo of hip-hop emceeing.

Jasahn and Krystal Larsosa on Community

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Jasahn and Krystal Larsosa are best friends, parents, community activists, and now candidates for public office in Detroit. The couple joined Detroit is Different and open up about their childhood, love for community, background in family, and more. Jasahn is currently running for Mayor of Detroit and Krystal is running for the office of city-wide city council member. Their traditional love and vision for the community are steeped in a modern understanding of ways people find, embrace, and connect with one another. Jasahn and Krystal open up about why their love for community and people is part of the love shared in the family in this interview.

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