Capturing the culture that makes Detroit what it is.

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Introduction - page 22

Make-up in the Lux Experience and Lux Collective with Shay Bailey

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Oakland University brought together a friendship circle that is now a business group. Lux Collection offers a unique glamour experience for clients seeking an inclusive photography experience to capture photography that expresses personality, character, and style. Shay Bailey adds the touch of makeup to the glamour experience matching clients’ personalities with her artistry. Bailey grew up embracing art and transitioned from canvas to faces and skin for her expression. Working years in corporate and freelance spaces, Bailey has captured some of Detroit’s most iconic figures, and her touch has been seen by you before. Learn about the vision of the Luxe Collective experience. Get the opportunity to offer the customer service immersive approach for your business with the Luxe Collective. Check out the interview with Shay Bailey and contact her directly on Instagram at @shaybbeautiful.

Healthy Stores in a Black Community DeShanda Edwards (Project Enhanced Fitness)

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Enhanced Fitness is more than a business name for DeShanda Edwards it’s a lifestyle. The lifelong Detroiter applied her passion for exercise and supplements and started a business. Today 2715 Puritan Ave Detroit MI 48238 Mon – Fri 10 am – 6 pm (9 am – 6 pm Sat) are the welcoming hours for your to experience Project-Enhanced Fitness. DeShanda offers a health solution in the heart of a Detroit community needing healthy options. Her journey residing throughout Detroit’s vast Westside as a child and eventually attending and graduating from Northwestern HS (my alma mater) provided her some insight into Detroit culture. After HS, she graduated from Northwood University with a dual degree in management and marketing, assisting in her current business growth. In this interview, learn about sea moss, vitamin D, Northwestern HS’s great teachers, and how to grow a business in a Black neighborhood.

Changing the Narrative Live Discussion with Jazz Legend Stanley Clarke and Mutual Aid leader Stephanie Rearick

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Detroit is Different supporter Kim Sherobbi invited me to co-host a discussion held at Marygrove College Sunday, July 24. Jazz icon Stanley Clarke performed and spoke in support of his son Frank for the How We Will Change conference hosted in Detroit this past weekend. I hosted this discussion with my podcast network partner in creativity Piper Carter. Stephanie Rearick also performed her interactive blend of folk music and spoke about her commitment to Mutual Aid work. The discussion was impactful. Talking points from Detroit Jazz great Ralphe Armstrong and founder of B More Radio Dennis Talbert are also shared.

Building Community Value and the work with Chase Cantrell

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Building Community Value is beyond conceptual for Chase Cantrell. The visionary leader of the organization has taken his talent and skill set and applied this ethic. The Building Community Value Detroit organization has been providing lessons in property development for Detroiters for years now. Chase’s journey as an Attorney in real estate law, U of M student in the Prop 2 fight, and Renaissance Phoneix all provide layers of knowledge and understanding. In this interview discover his work at Mr. Alan’s, his love for the Cooley HS neighborhood, and his vision for West 6 Mile rd. 

Family, Community, Farming and Black make up Erin Bevel

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From the East Coast to Metro Detroit was the journey for a young Erin Bevel. Today the Howard University professor and law school graduate is driven by family and towards Black Liberation. Black Farmers Land Fund, Detroit Black Food Security Network, and Mollywop are creative, cultural, and professional works for Erin, but family is first. In this interview, we explore her work in Washington DC inside the capital, and learn the inner workings of our government. Today Erin is an asset to Detroit’s Grassroots Black Community. 

Hasting’s Street and why this pivotal work is important to Gary Anderson and Detroit

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Hastings Street is a work that Plowshares Theater Company is in the best position to present. July 21 – 31 at Detroit’s Music Hall the company re-launches post-COVID-19 welcoming audiences to a very special show. The show captures the story of the center of Detroit’s historic Black Bottom community. The musical captures the essence of Jazz, song, Soul, and much more. In this Detroit is Different feature, Gary Anderson that is the Artistic Director of Plowshares Theater Company opens up about this show and much more. Learn about his journey to Detroit and Wayne State University’s theater program in the 1980s and Detroit 1980sbeing an eclectic center. Check out this feature on Gary Anderson and the work of bringing to live theater in Detroit for decades.

The Beauty of honoring Black Skin with Alyssa Space

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Beauty is a philosophy in Western studies. Aesthetics make up the study of what Western scientists have written and expressed as the standard of beauty. The challenge in this philosophy is that the objectivity of beauty is dependent upon background, taste, and culture. In America, the standard of beauty for people outside of Western civilizations arch is prominent and abundant. Alyssa Space is a chemist with a concentration in skin and beauty design. Alyssa’s work developed For Her cosmetics. This line of beauty products is natural, safe, and expressly embraces the shades of Black beauty cosmetic lines don’t embrace. Alyssa’s journey as a chemist, entrepreneur, and creative is explored in this interview. Learn about water testing, natural standards, and why it’s important for Black women to be in the space of cosmetology design and manufacturing. 

Community Voice & Relationships are Detroit Councilmember Tate’s Keys to Success

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Radio, Television, Broadcast, and Media were the life James Tate led before serving the city of Detroit as a council member. Entering a third term in the seat today Tate’s understanding and perspective for what council is expected to do, what council does, and how that balance is anchored is key. In this interview (my first with a sitting Detroit city council member) we explore District 1 and its roots there. We also discuss the marijuana ordinances (city laws) Councilmember Tate has sat at the helm on since his start on the council. The vision Councilmember Tate sees for providing access for local Detroiters to make and shape the ways marijuana will change the city. Business and community and the ways businesses enter the community were insightful in this discussion. Check out the Detroit is Different feature with Councilmember James Tate.

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