Renegotiating Power between the DIA and the Community
Halima Afi joined Detroit is Different to share information about an upcoming public meeting on December 19, 2022, for the Wayne County Arts Institute Authority.
The DIA currently receives $25-$30 Million dollars per year in public funding through the Tri-county millage. Over the next ten years, the DIA will receive an estimated $330M!
In the current service contract, only $1.3M/yr of this funding is assigned to specific activities; the remainder is spent entirely at the DIA’s discretion, i.e. with no public oversight.
In 2022, the Service Agreements that define the relationship between the DIA and the Tri-counties are up for renewal. This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to renegotiate the relationship between the DIA and the community.
Right now is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to negotiate a better deal for the residents of Wayne County, as they are set to sign the new Service Agreement on December 19, 2022!
Please tell the Wayne County Arts Institute Authority DO NOT SIGN the new Service Agreement with the DIA until:
There are Checks and Balances in place!
There is 100% transparency and reporting on ALL public (millage) money!
There is a process for public input and participatory budgeting!
There is a commitment of public dollars going towards the local arts ecosystem!
$15/hr min. for all workers at the DIA!