In the summer of 1967, as Detroit was embroiled in one of its most transformative moments, Glady’s Bettis found herself halfway across the globe in Germany, where her journey as a trailblazer began. In this inspiring episode, Glady’s—known affectionately as “MaBus”—shares her incredible story of leadership as a big sister, her role as a guiding force for siblings, children, and NFL moms, and her unwavering commitment to family. Discover how she initially resisted her son Jerome’s passion for football but became his biggest supporter, never missing a game. Dive into the Bettis family’s deep love for bowling, their fierce dedication to one another, and the heartwarming tale of how her husband, John Bettis Sr., literally swept her off her feet. Their enduring love and legacy laid the foundation for one of the greatest Super Bowl stories in NFL history, culminating right here in Detroit. Don’t miss this captivating episode of Detroit is Different, featuring Glady’s “MaBus” Bettis!
MaBus Bettis: The Heart of a Champion, a Family Legacy, and Detroit’s Super Bowl Story
What began as a journey engaging hip-hop audiences, has grown into a career as a marketing consultant. As business people have seen my work, I was propositioned many times to provide graphic design, photography, videography, event planning, website development, and social media campaigning. These initial business contracts inspired me to build Creative Differences Marketing. I’ve balanced my entrepreneurial experience with formal education from Walsh College of Business and Accountancy. My degree in Marketing serves me well in understanding many of the formal, universal, and theoretical marketing approaches used in corporate environments.Formulating this business model has been anchored by the success of my BLOG ‘Detroit is Different.’ I create all content for Detroit is Different. This serves as a prototype of the ways I can design events, websites, graphics, music, podcasts, social media campaigns, and e-mail campaigns. ‘Detroit is Different’ focuses on the people and places of Detroit that add to the culture. Through these people and places, themes are driven. These themes will partner with, sponsor, and advertise for businesses and organizations using this innovative multilevel marketing approach.
- The Power of Story, Dance, and Determination: How Mama Lohren Uplifts Detroit
- From Paris to the North End: Loke’s Odyssey Through Detroit’s Beats, Streets, and Soul
- Planting Seeds of Change: Hip-Hop, Urban Gardening, and Brent Smith’s Vision
- Microphones & Motor City, Detroit Amplified with Miles Dixon